How To Size Guide

Choosing the right size for your wearable breast pump is crucial for comfort and efficiency. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find the perfect fit:

Step 1: Measure Your Nipple Diameter Use a ruler or a measuring tape to measure the diameter of your nipple at the base. Note this measurement, as it will help you choose the correct flange size.

Step 2: Refer to the Size Chart Consult the Olivia Wearable Breast Pump size chart. Match your nipple diameter to the corresponding flange size. It's important to choose a size that provides a comfortable fit without causing friction.

Step 3: Check for Proper Centering When wearing the flange, ensure that your nipple is properly centered within the flange tunnel. A well-centered nipple helps optimize suction and prevents discomfort.

Step 4: Assess Comfort During Pumping Pay attention to how your breast feels during pumping. If there is any discomfort or if you notice excessive areola being pulled into the flange, consider trying a different size.

Step 5: Monitor Milk Flow Observe the milk flow during pumping. If it's too slow, the flange may be too large, and if it's too fast, the flange may be too small. Adjust the size accordingly for an optimal pumping experience.

Additional Tips:

  • It's common for nipple size to change, especially during the early postpartum weeks. Reevaluate your size if you experience changes in comfort or milk flow.

  • Olivia offers a variety of flange sizes to accommodate different breast shapes and sizes. Don't hesitate to try different sizes until you find the one that suits you best.

  • If you're unsure about sizing, consult with a lactation consultant or Olivia customer support for personalized guidance.

Choosing the right size is a key step in maximizing the comfort and effectiveness of your Olivia Wearable Breast Pump. A well-fitted pump ensures a positive breastfeeding experience, allowing you to pump with ease and confidence.